August 16, 2018 Lehigh Valley Style “The Perfect Fit for Working Women” Networking Event at Centenni

Lehigh Valley Style “The Perfect Fit for Working Women” Networking Event includes light hors d'oeuvres, fundraising raffles, and the opportunity to mix and mingle with some of the most prominent women in the Lehigh Valley, including our 2018 Women of Style and those profiled in the Women Who Move the Valley section of the magazine’s August edition.
Lehigh Valley Style, started in 2000, is a local publication known as content creators and crowd gatherers, executing highly anticipated events and building a community of like-minded individuals, who eat, shop, socialize, work and live here. Facilitating a connection between our readers, our advertisers and our Valley, Lehigh Valley Style is striving to discover the new, the next and the future of the region we call home.